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The Montessori Method

Maria Montessori was the first female to graduate from the University of Rome Medical School in 1894.  She was a progressive, inspiring educator who was devoted to initiating growth and change. The method of Montessori education was developed as a result of years and years of observing children and how they learn. 

According to Maria Montessori, children possess an amazing ability to absorb knowledge more quickly and effortlessly between the ages of birth to six than later in life - the absorbent mind.  Children accomplish the task of self-construction through purposeful movement, exploration and discovery of their environment. The children are given freedom to develop physically, intellectually and spiritually. A Montessori classroom provides this freedom within the limits. According to Maria Montessori “A child’s work is to create the person she/he will become.” 

Sprout Montessori provides a “prepared environment” essential to Montessori education. The classroom consists of Practical Life, Sensorial, Language, Math, Social Studies, and Science. Along with these integral elements of Montessori, arts and crafts, storytelling, movement and singing are also a part of our daily routine. 

Children are free to talk and move around, are stimulated by purposeful activities of their own choosing, can discover and correct their own mistakes and are treated with trust and respect. All of these factors help the children to develop inner discipline and a sense of responsibility.